Friday, January 11, 2008

China - Day 4 - Temple of Heaven

Good morning everyone, it's about 4:30 in the morning here and I am wide awake. It's noon yesterday at home. So maybe I will tell you what the stock market did yesterday, I wonder it that works. The Internet was down yesterday morning so I could not send anything out. Right now Linda is still asleep so I am being quite. But at 7:00 our time here the place begins to buzz. The doctors come in to check out how she slept, take her BP and looks thing over in general. Then we have breakfast around 7:30 and she starts her day. All morning she has appointments with different doctors and therapy of one kind or another or another. Dr. Wisdom, he is the Traditional Chinese Medicine, here after know as TCM, doctor. Dr. Wisdom likes the idea Linda does Ti Chee and will do it with her. When Linda woke up yesterday morning I noticed a change in her face. It was soft and had a lot of expression. The parkies out there know about the Parkinson's mask and I have been looking at it for years now. But it was almost gone. I told Linda to check her self out in the mirror and she could see it too. All afternoon Linda is hooked up to IV'S and they pour gallons of stuff into her. There is some amber stuff I asked Amy what it was and she told me it is Chinese Medicine and has no name. I said come on Amy, you are an MD, you have to know what's in there. She says it's to make the brain communicate better. When Amy came in I showed her Linda's face and she did not seem surprised. Well, whatever it is maybe something is starting to work. On Monday we have a meeting with the head Nero and he will make decision on what approach we are going to take. After breakfast Linda wanted to take a shower and have me wash her hair. The shower is pretty big here, but don't get any ideas, the water is cold and that sure takes any erotic thoughts a guy may have away. Kind of a form of Chinese birth control.

When Linda left I thought this is a good time to explore some more. So out came the bike. About half an hour away I came across this huge park called Heavenly Temple. It holds a large number of temples built around 1400 AD. Just beautiful. But what a surprise when I got in. The place was wall to wall Chinese. And everyone of them was doing something. One group had a big feather thing that looked like a big bad mitten birdy and they were in a circle kicking it back and forth like a soccer ball and all laughing. Then I came across a whole field of people doing some kind of exercise, not Ti Chee. So I watched for a while, than there was a gang of people with rackets and a ball they were not batting, but like scooping it back and forth to each other. As I was watching one lady grabbed me and handed me a racket and put me in the game. She showed me how to hold the racket and what to do and there I was playing. Every time I missed some one would run up to me and show me how to do it better. I gave my camera to a gal watching and she took a few pics of me. Look like a big klutz next to them. When I was worn out we said our good bys and bowed and I moved on.

Next I found another big field where everyone was ballroom dancing. I didn't get too close to that one because I saw a few ladies dancing alone with their eye on me. When I say everyone, I am talking hundreds. Moving on, I heard beautiful singing coming from another corner. Again, there must have been hundreds of men and women all singing. But all the men were in one group and the women in another and one guy out in the middle like a conductor leading the song. He would have the men sing and the women than all together and they all knew the words. these were just people walking by. As I stood there people walking by would start to sing and join the group and others in the group would have had enough and walk away. Then when that song was done another guy would come out of the group and lead the next song. I took a lot of pics, but I think I am going to put them all on our web site, So look for them there and anything you may have missed. I wondered around there for a few hours and must take Linda back. I had my ears up all the time and did not hear a word of English.

One thing Lorna warned me about was the Street Vendors. These guys are like a cloud of gnats. They buzz around trying to sell you anything you can think of.. And you can't get rid of them. And if you stop to even acknowledge you see them the rest of them are like blood in the water and look out. So as I was walking along and it was pretty cold, I came across an old lady selling hats and things. I asked or showed her her gloves and she nodded and pulled out a pair. Than the dealing starts. She holds up some bills and I shake my head. She takes away one bill and I say no. I base everything on what an Apple cost. I went to one of the stores and bought an apple and it cost 10 bills. So when I see something I figure how many apples. So I bought the gloves for .8 of an apple. than she showed me an Olympic hat and I bought that. Now the rest of the sharks watching saw a mark. As I was walking out to my bike a swarm of them were trying to block my way with everything but the kitchen sink. One guy was really on me. He had Rolex watches he got down to 3 for 10 dollars. And he would not take no for an answer. When I got to my bike he tried to stop me from getting on, but he was laughing like it was a big game. So I was laughing like he was my best buddy and this was great fun. Than all the others watching started to laugh too. So here is this guy hanging on my arm and I am pushing him away and we are all laughing like a bunch of idiots. Than the guy starts to let the air out of my front tire like it is a big joke, so I laugh like I am having the best time of my life, but I grab him in a head lock and apply a little pressure on the pressure point on the shoulder. When I felt him stiffen I let him go. Now he may know kung fu but I know Kuk Soo Won. So he backs off and we all stand there laughing like we all just escaped from a nut house. I jumped on the bike and as I rode away I turned around and noticed no one was laughing now. So Barry, print this out and read it to Mam and tell her I want my next belt.

Linda has now got up and first thing I am checking her face. Not quite as good as yesterday, but not as bad as the day before. I will check on it as the day goes on.

More to come, John and Linda in China

Temple of Heaven
Beijing China

Temple of Heaven Gathering

John Playing Racket Ball

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