Thursday, January 24, 2008

MRI this morning

This morning we went to another hospital for Linda's MRI. This hospital was in another part of the city and took about half an hour to get there. This time we went in a big black car with a driver and the doctor and a computer guy. They did the procedure and back we came. To get to this hospital we went all thru the new part of the city and the buildings and building going on were fantastic. Every where you looked there were cranes putting up new buildings, and Peter, you will like this, the scaffolding was all wood poles held together with bailing wire. Some a couple hundred feet high. Guys hanging off them like monkeys. I guess OCSA hasn't put their nose in here yet. I though we were going to the hospital next door like yesterday so I didn't take my camera, but I will go back for sure.

The people here have a 6 th sense about where they are. Cars fly by, bicycles turn in front of cars, people are walking in the street between cars and bikes we even saw 3 Chinese dogs running thru all this. On the high rise buildings I was shocked to see the windows with out screens open to the air. No one here gives the next guy any slack. If you are waiting for a car to give you a break to enter traffic, they will find your skeleton behind the wheel when the next building is built on that spot. Everyone is responsible for themselves here. If a guy stubs his toe on a broken sidewalk, he doesn't sue someone, they just think he is stupid. I tried to tell Amy about how the old lady spilled hot coffee on herself than sued Mac Donalds, I could not get the point across what suing was all about. If you don't get out of the way of a car, it's your fault for not watching and the car guy gets mad at you for getting in front of him. And for some reason nobody gets hit by cars, or stubs their toe and for sure if they spill hot coffee in their lap they keep their mouth shut so they don't appear stupid. After watching how things work around here, I really believe that if you were able to transplant a city of 100,000 people from home into the middle of Beijing and they had to fend for themselves within a month 3/4 of them would be dead. They would fall out of open windows, get hit by cars, fall off bridges into the river or any number of things. We are so taken care of at home that here we would be like sheep dropped into a wolf pack. And no lawyer jumping up to sue someone. I don't know if the people here would do any better at home, but it seems that whenever a container full of illegal's sneak in, we never hear from them again. They learn our system very fast. That's my take on the whole thing.

Amy came to chat with Linda and when I stood next to her, she looked up and told me I was very tall. I told her no, she was just very short. So she gave me a belt. I took our picture, now you tell me.

Sometime later they are going to come in to shave a spot on Linda's head. I will take pics of that. In the morning they are going to do what we came all this way for.

By the way, Randy is in Germany right now getting his treatment. Go to our web site, and see how Randy is doing. All the parkies out there can see if any of this works before trying it for themselves.

linda and john in China

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