Thursday, January 10, 2008

China - Day 3

Another interesting day in China. This morning I thought another trip to Wal-Mart was in order. When I went yesterday, Jessie had to take us so we would not get lost. She was on a tight schedule so she was hurrying us along so we could get back in time for her to go home. So this morning Linda and I made a list of what I should bring back and just when I thought we were thru she said oh yes, I need panty liners. Cabs are all over the place here and everyone uses them and they are cheap. So I called a cab and showed him a picture of Wal-mart the hospital gives us to carry. On this card is directions to the most important places in town. McDonalds, which I haven’t tried yet, KKF, which probity uses the whole chicken, feet and head and all, and a few other places an American tourist would like to visit. Didn’t see the library on the card. Also on the card are instructions on how to get back to the hospital. So off we go. Here in China a taxi ride would qualify for an E ride anywhere else. These guys zip thru the tightest openings without even slowing down. And it does no good to say anything because no one speaks a word of English. More on that later.
We get to Wal-Mart and this place is huge. There is an upper floor and a lower floor and a moving ramp between. You put your cart on the ramp and a big magnet goes clump and holds it in place till you get where you are going. So here I am loading up on peanut butter, and fruit and all the things on the list when I come upon the panty liners. Now how would you ask where these things are when no one speaks a word of English. All you can do is sign language to a bunch of young girls. All I can say was I didn’t get thrown in jail.
The cab ride was fun, the driver got lost and could not find the hospital. All I could do was show him the card with the address on and he would rattle off a hundred questions that I knew about as much as he did with my answers. but it was still very interesting because we were going up and down streets that were hundreds of years old and had no names. When we got to the first hospital and I said no, he had turned off the meter and didn’t turn it back on till we found our hospital. When we finally got where we were going he thru up his hands to let me know he lost money on that trip. but I gave him a big tip and he was happy.
Linda did a lot better today, no hurling. but Amy did say she has an infection because her white cell count is too high. So she had Linda stay in her room today and every one had to come to her. A few docs came in to check her but nothing new to report. Here is Amy and Diana, we really like them. Also a few of the nurses that come in all the time. and when the girls found out I had a computer in the room they asked if they could use it, so here they are.
john and linda

Having Fun With Laptop

Linda and Nurses

Linda and Doctor

Linda & IV